I read this a while back but I hadn’t found the time to
review it yet, so hopefully it’s still fresh enough in my mind that I know what
I’m talking about. Feel free to correct me if I screw up the order of certain
plot points or other factors.
So the community- if that’s what you can call it- has pretty
much forgotten about the events which took place in the last book (check out my
review of Lies here). Grant is smart
enough however to implement new catastrophes so that there isn’t a sudden void.
Sure, I noticed that most of the first few books centered on the small kids and
how it was practically only Mary Terrafino who took the initiative to care for
them. Now with Mary gone, it’s suddenly like she took the problem away with
her. The town has bigger fish- or lack of fish rather- to fry. The escape of
the Britney/Drake monster is inevitable- that’s what happens when you leave a
drunk to guard someone- and a mysterious sickness is killing people with extreme
speed. Moody Lana is of little use, as her powers have no effect on the
illness. To top it off, another kind of virus is infecting people with
critters, which basically eat their hosts from the inside until it’s time for
them to surface and cause even more havoc. All good stuff.
The major allegory I came across book is the idea of sex- or
more precisely the consequences of having sex when you’re not ready, either
physically or emotionally. Sam and Astrid are being torn apart by their sexual
urges and the neglect/ suppression of them. Meanwhile, two kinds of plagues are
killing the few people that are left in town- one in the form of a killer flu
and the other in the form of lttle things nestling themselves inside the body-
now if that’s not a PSA for the repercussions of (unprotected) sex I don’t know
what is. There’s one more major plotline that is hinted at throughout the and
is revealed to be true at the end, which ties into this whole sex theme, but I won’t
go into that and spoil that one . The novel does focus on other things like Sam
and a select few leaving town to go search for water, since their supply is
dangerously low. This also gives insight into how the town functions when Sam
is not present, and basically sets up the story for the next book.
I haven’t started on the next book yet, I’m hoping to do
that soon. If you’re into the series, hit me up with what you thought of it.
you can get Plague and all the other books in the Gone series here
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