I was probably one of the people who immediately fan-girled
when news came out of a sequel to The
Shining. I was late to the shining reading game, having read it just a
little over 2 years ago. However, that meant the story was still fresh in my
mind. My brother-in-law got me Doctor
Sleep and I couldn’t be happier, over the next week every chance I got I
caught up with Danny- not so little anymore though sometimes just as naïve-
Torrance. Summary and review after the jump (spoilers if you have yet to read The Shining)
Doctor Sleep
mainly takes place about forty years since the Overlook burned down. However
King makes sure to get the reader up to speed by mentioning some important
aspects of Dan’s life before we actually get to the important part. Despite
Dan’s refusal to become like his father, Jack, The shining is taking its toll
on Danny, especially in his early adolescence and he soon finds comfort, like
Jack, in alcohol. He trades his gift for blacked-out nights and soon after
reaching rock bottom, he comes upon a small new Hampshire town where he feels
he is meant to be. With newfound friends and a new job, he quickly gets his
life back together. Evil is still out there, and he is soon brought back to it
when Abra, a little girl with the shining, though far exceeding Dan’s own
powers, reaches out to him for help. A group of un-human travelers is feeding
on people like them and it soon becomes clear that if they’re not stopped, Dan,
Abra, and anyone like them are in grave danger.
I was surprised at how quick Dan got over his alcohol
problem. Of course I know he doesn’t really ever get over it. King makes sure
to emphasize that throughout the story, highlighting the struggle he faces
staying away from the drink all the time. It’s just that his rock bottom, comes
quicker than I expected it. It’s not really a complaint, it gives more room for
the real plot to manifest. Dan is definitely his father’s son and King makes
sure you remember it. The way Dan is written, from the wisecracks he makes to
the sudden outbursts of Anger, he is definitely related to Jack Torrance. But
this is also as much Abra’s story as it is Dan’s. Dan is the older Generation
of the shining while Abra is the younger, signifying the ongoing life cycle;
very much how Dick Hallorann and Jack Torrance signified the old, while little
Danny signified the new in The Shining.
King takes the reader back to where the story began; you can never escape the past- you will remember what was forgotten-
and it is important to remember that we, like Dan, cannot prosper without the
memories, however horrible they might be, of things gone by. King successfully
tugs at heartstrings, scares you senseless and makes you believe in love with
this book. It’s truly a classic.
You can buy Doctor
Sleep here.
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